From this really awful thread of ideas:
I kinda imagine these being high key, maybe filtered to look a bit like pencil or watercolour, with a big fat white matte border, and the modified text-logo thing at the bottom.
- DARLING in the STRATHH - go to Strathfield plaza, is that fountain still there?
- DARLING in the FRANCC - wear my red beret and hold a baguette
- DARLING in the HARBOURR - pick any landmark around there
- DARLING in the PANTSS - high key bedroom with nice wooden floors, pulling on a pair of jeans
- PANCAKES on the ROXX - Go visit one
- The Secret to Better Sausages: GARLIC in the FRANKSS - cooking on a bbq, wear a funny hat and apron
- The old Agatha Christie classic, MURDER on the LINXX - Dunno about this one, is it a train..?
- DARLING in the SPANXX - I'm wearing shape wear for Zero Two
- DEALING in the FRANXX - dealing cards, or drugs