Look at Utena books
Look at airsoft in Don Quijote
Look for grey cardigan in Don Quijote
- Very light, nearly white, grey
Buy my stuff from Tora - 6000 yen?
Find that Yuri Danshi book, K-Books? - 2000 yen
Visit Uniqlo - ???
Visit Grimoire
Visit old game centre in Shibuya http://blogs.timeout.jp/en/2013/08/16/game-over-for-shibuya-kaikan/
Visit Innocent World
Before departing
Mail phone to Rentafone
Buy stuff for Fish
cordelia CD from Tora
Buy stuff for Retro
ROMs from D-Stage
Doujins from Tora
Buy stuff for Trej
Airspace book: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4813022235/ - 1890 yen
Schoolgirl Complex 3 - 2000 yen?
Pass Utena books to Ast, 8000 yen
- Pass money to Blitz via Ast
Buy lollies for Kat
Mail Fish's stuff to her
After getting home
Negotiate amount (4500 for Pude, 6510 for D-Stage stuff, 11010 total, assume rate of 86.71)
Give him the stuff
Receive monies
Fairlady Z rental
Determine cost (338.52 AUD == 307 USD)
Inform dovac
- Negotiate amount to send
Receive monies
Determine cost (3100 for books, 1100 for shipping, 4200 total with rate of 86.71 = 48.43 AUD)
Inform Fish
Receive monies
Determine cost (1890 for the Airspace book, 21.80 AUD)
Inform Trej
Receive monies
Hand over goods
Airbnb review for Taka