Finish cosplay
Uncompleted items on furinkan/cosplay/Makise_Kurisu - finished enough of it
Obtain smaller bra :/
- Acquire cyalume saber (LED stick from darling harbour plaza stall?)
Change money
1,995 AUD -> 170,000 JPY
- 85.21 effective rate
Keitai rental
- A red phone
- Order submitted 2012-02-28 @ 26:00
- Confirmed 2012-02-29
- 080-3825-9231
Hair appointment for bleaching
- Appointment made for Friday 17:00
Get eyebrows lightened
Pre-pack bag
Install windows on ririchiyo
Install lightroom on ririchiyo
- Usable on OS X
Figure out audio recording for Single-8 camera
- Chaironeko has something suitable I might be able to borrow, Zoom H4
This is a more basic model, and totally adequate. Also smaller. Zoom H1, $150 at Allan's Music
- Didn't make it to the office today, and Allan's didn't have the H1 in stock. Got the H2 instead, $280. There were other options, but they didn't seem as solid as the H2.
- Their house-brand "Legacy" device is big, ugly, forward-facing mics, but the controls are a bit bigger, $130
Carillon PDR2 is slightly larger than the H2, similar price, but I didn't know anything about it
Take Einstein and commander to Anchor office