This is at home.
- wa-chan: need to setup Backblaze
- amatsukaze: Backblaze
- iowa
- brig (Time Machine backups): no need to backup, this is for local convenience
- cargo (General data store): B2 cloud
Setting up cargo cloud sync
- Make new B2 bucket
- Name: iowa-ssd-cargo
- Bucket ID: e0fdd1bb1213eb7071f30f18
- Set lifecycle = Keep only the last version
- Server Side Encryption disabled (we'll enable encryption on the client side)
- Create a new app key for accessing the bucket
- Key name matches bucket name
- Allow access to only corresponding bucket
- Read/Write
- Allow listing all bucket names, needed for Cloud Sync tool to discover it
- Key lifetime: leave it undefined (ie. forever)
- Setup sync job
- Punch in the key and bucket details
- Local path: /cargo
- Remote path: root folder
- Sync direction: upload local changes only
- Part size: 128MB (default)
- Enable advanced consistency check
- Data encryption enabled
- Leave removal unchecked, ie. do delete remote files when they're deleted from the NAS
- Generate new encryption password and store in 1Password