So what's the best way to quickly (i.e. less than a few seconds) get the current queue count out of Postfix?
Fastest: have a dedicated file system and count the number of used versus free inodes (df -i). This produces an instantaneous result regardless of the queue size (*). Slower: a suitable perl script that exploits the fact that directories have one-character names. I'll leave that up to Victor. Slower: a suitable incantation of the find command. Slowest: mailq/postqueue -p, because that opens each file. (*) Except on systems where df(1) secretly invokes sync(2); SunOS was such an example.
Slower (perl)
This avoids all lstat(2) operations, reducing the system-call overhead of counting queued messages to a minimum. The incoming queue number may be a bit "inflated" because messages that are not yet fully received are also counted). This overcount of the incoming queue is not generally a problem.
perl -e ' use strict; use warnings; use Symbol; sub count { my ($dir) = @_; my $dh = gensym(); my $c = 0; opendir($dh, $dir) or die "$0: opendir: $dir: $!\n"; while (my $f = readdir($dh)) { if ($f =~ m{^[A-F0-9]{5,}$}) { ++$c; } elsif ($f =~ m{^[A-F0-9]$}) { $c += count("$dir/$f"); } } closedir($dh) or die "closedir: $dir: $!\n"; return $c; } my $qdir = shift(@ARGV) or die "Usage: $0 queue-directory\n"; chdir($qdir) or die "$0: chdir: $qdir: $!\n"; printf "Incoming: %d\n", count("incoming"); printf "Active: %d\n", count("active"); printf "Deferred: %d\n", count("deferred"); ' /var/spool/postfix
Slower (find)
1 #!/bin/sh
2 qdir=`postconf -h queue_directory`
3 incoming=`find $qdir/incoming -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
4 activeonly=`find $qdir/active -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
5 maildrop=`find $qdir/maildrop -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
6 active=`find $qdir/incoming $qdir/active $qdir/maildrop -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
7 deferred=`find $qdir/deferred -type f -print | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
8 printf "active: %d\ndeferred: %d\nincoming: %d\nactiveonly: %d\nmaildrop: %d\n" $active $deferred $incoming $activeonly $maildrop