
persica cluster

This is a cluster of three identical nodes, named persica1/2/3

k8s notes

Build notes

Per node

This was useful for figuring out the TFTP stuff for the first time:

Paths are hardcoded into the grubx64.efi binary, meaning HDD and PXE versions aren't the same. Make sure you put all the grub stuff in a grub/ directory. Check the $prefix to see where it's searching:

UEFI settings

Get to the UEFI

Record details

Change settings

Reboot and go back in again.

Ansible management after kickstart build

I should ansible'ise everything, making minimal assumptions about the kickstart part of the process.

I'm keeping a simple ansible repo in ~/git/persica-ansible/

MeidokonWiki: servers/persica (last edited 2023-04-10 12:52:31 by furinkan)