Size: 356
Comment: working!!
Size: 1912
Comment: try some puppet highlighting
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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== thinking about apache == Our puppet management of apache is still a mess, so we'll do it manually. What do we want to take care of? * install `apache2-mpm-itk` * a couple of timeout tweaks to `apache2.conf` * `ports.conf` (listen only on, ''not'' ssl, etc.) * aka. * `a2enmod ssl` * fix `ports.conf` again for SSL, no generic Listens * conf.d/priv.conf {{{ SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^202\.4\.235\.109$ priv-group }}} * install `libapache2-mod-php5` * start the service * stub out `/var/www/html/monitor` for the default site * fix up an index.html * edit `mods-enabled/status.conf` to get a usable `/server-status` * fix up an `info.php` * install `libapache2-mod-wsgi` * `AssignUserId [username] [groupname]` for itk * nice logging * log to homedirs, `~/logs/apache/{access,error}.log` * fix up logrotate fragment, `apache2-vhost-logs` == Some puppet manifest == {{{#!highlight puppet node "" { $supportlevel = complete networking::interface { "eth0": ipaddress => "", gateway => "top"; "eth0:00": ipaddress => "", comment => "nginx"; "eth0:01": ipaddress => "", comment => "apache"; "eth0:02": ipaddress => "", comment => ""; "eth1": ipaddress => ""; } }}} |
- debian squeeze x64
- puppet managed
local work
mount /home with acls
# Timestamped shell FTW export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
add self to .ssh/authorized_keys
mkdir -m 0701 public_html
thinking about apache
Our puppet management of apache is still a mess, so we'll do it manually. What do we want to take care of?
install apache2-mpm-itk
a couple of timeout tweaks to apache2.conf
ports.conf (listen only on, not ssl, etc.)
- aka.
a2enmod ssl
fix ports.conf again for SSL, no generic Listens
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^202\.4\.235\.109$ priv-group
install libapache2-mod-php5
- start the service
stub out /var/www/html/monitor for the default site
- fix up an index.html
edit mods-enabled/status.conf to get a usable /server-status
fix up an info.php
install libapache2-mod-wsgi
AssignUserId [username] [groupname] for itk
- nice logging
log to homedirs, ~/logs/apache/{access,error}.log
fix up logrotate fragment, apache2-vhost-logs
Some puppet manifest
1 node "" {
2 $supportlevel = complete
4 networking::interface {
5 "eth0":
6 ipaddress => "",
7 gateway => "top";
8 "eth0:00":
9 ipaddress => "",
10 comment => "nginx";
11 "eth0:01":
12 ipaddress => "",
13 comment => "apache";
14 "eth0:02":
15 ipaddress => "",
16 comment => "";
17 "eth1":
18 ipaddress => "";
19 }