
originally 20090722_skullbites_secret_page.txt

Gargamuza  It's Hiroshi Kaieda, aka Skullbites. It's from his secret hentai
           section (he doesn't want people to link there / give the url, so
           I only can give you the homepage, and you figure how to get in:

Sounds fun.



Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Alt-Tab, Ctrl-V

Steal the link:

Or if you're bored, click 20 times and look for a pixel that changes colour at (350,200)

* Note *

This is the first exhibition of 18 images inappropriate for minors under age.

Note: The leak was immediately closed.
If you find no leaks <v> us contact you by email.
kai @
Thank you.
@ Since the images, please careful when KOPIPE

Other sites and sincerely, thank you to those places, and no attempt to enter.
! Back page is no direct access!

Please enjoy slowly from you


MeidokonWiki: furinkan/skullbites_secret_page (last edited 2010-02-03 19:22:20 by furinkan)