## page was renamed from furinkan/resume_stuff = Hiring timeline = == Palantir == || Date || T-delta || T-accumulated || Event || || 2018-10-29 || - || - || Applied || || 2018-11-08 || 10 days || 10 days || Zack reached out || || 2018-11-10 || 2 days || 2 weeks || First phone call with Zack || || 2018-11-14 || 4 days || 2.5 weeks || Sinclaire schedules a chat with an SRE || || 2018-11-20 || 6 days || 3 weeks || Missed call on Palantir's end || || 2018-11-28 || 1 week || 1 month || Video interview with Chase, positive feedback to schedule on-site interview || || 2018-12-06 || 1 week || 5.5 weeks || On-site interview || || 2018-12-12 || 1 week || 6.5 weeks || Feedback from on-site interviews via Zack || || 2018-12-13 || 1 day || 6.5 weeks || Call with Zack, can't do Palo Alto interviews for about a month due to Christmas shutdown || || 2018-12-22 || 10 days || 8 weeks || Confirmed that Palantir wants to proceed || || 2019-01-08 || 2.5 weeks || 10 weeks || Start planning travel and interviews || || 2019-01-16 || 1 week || 11 weeks || Locked in interview date || || 2019-02-06 || 3 weeks || 14.5 wks / 3mon+1wk || ''(Scheduled)'' Interview date in Palo Alto || = Resume stuff = * LaTeX is a nice way to do it. * Google? * Interview advice: http://www.catonmat.net/blog/my-job-interview-at-google/ * What they want: http://www.google.com/jobs/joininggoogle/resume/index.html * Yale has some US-style resume examples, they're apparently always a single page: http://ucs.yalecollege.yale.edu/sites/default/files/AlumniSampleResumes.pdf * Some templates * http://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/training/latex/resumes/ * http://www.mcnabbs.org/andrew/linux/latexres/ * http://www.thelinuxdaily.com/2008/10/latex-resume-examples/ * http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/resume-writing-example-latex-template-linux-curriculum-vitae-professional-cv-layout-format-text-p54/ * From the above, [[http://n.favrefelix.free.fr/site/| Nicolas Favre-FĂ©lix]] * Hm, this one was nicer for some reason, not the same: http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/files/p54-resume/examples/cv-nicolas-favre-felix.en.pdf * http://www.davidgrant.ca/latex_resume_template * Some LaTeX resources: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~csuros/latex.html * Draft it up in txt, worry about latex later: http://www.gratisoft.us/todd/resume.ascii And some more links: * http://tkcs-collins.com/truman/latex/list_examp.shtml * http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/latex/list_examples.pdf * http://dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/comp/LatexTips/LatexTips.html#tweaklist What's the time mr wolf? {{{ california 07:16 here 24:16 17hrs behind 1800 here == 0100 there 2600 here == 0900 there 0900 here == 3300 here == 1600 there 9to5 here == 1600to2400 there }}} Attachments: <> = Scribbling about self = == Generic stuff == * Sysadmin experience * Linux skillz * Scripting automation skillz * Troubleshooting and root cause analysis * Teamwork * Communication skills == Senior Linux Systems Engineer role == * Building a server fleet across regions * AWS and cloud, KVM, Docker, etc * CI/CD and DevOps * Networking * Automation (Puppet) * Bash Scripting * Python/Ruby * git/svn * Analysis for evaluation of projects and products * Windows a little bit * Low-latency infrastructure Nice to have * Root cause analysis * Dealing with different depts * Teamwork * Communication skills * Support and research for complex problems * Critical thinking under pressure * Like learning new things == Optiver == General job descriptions: http://www.optiver.com/sydney/careersoptiver/experts/ Linux Performance Engineer: http://alescoprod.talent2payroll.com/pls/aparbtpp/WK8127$APP.draw_attachments?P_VACANCY_REF_NO=175&P_CALLER_URL=WK8127ZZDOLLARZZAPP.QueryListZZQMARKZZZ_VACANCY_CAT=ITZZAMPZZZ_ORDER_BY=1 * Tuning * Open source * Ideas -> Real concepts * Tweaking and testing Responsibilities * Optimise stuff * Get hardware * Run scientific tests and benchmarks Need * Coding * Analytic approach to collect data, process, make conclusions * Unix systems * Communications * Experience in high-performance environment