
Contact lenses for cosplay


Because your character is badass and has red/gold/green eyes, and your eyes are neither red nor gold nor green :(


In Australia you need a prescription to get contacts.

  1. Visit your optometrist, they need to check that contacts are suitable for your eyes (ie. won't make you blind for some reason). This is largely a formality.
  2. The optometrist produces a prescription. This roughly says that you're okay to get contacts, and also how messed up your eyes are if you're myopic/hyperopic/astigmatic

  3. Get a copy of the prescription from your optometrist
  4. Most people get contacts from their optometrist, that's not a bad time to ask about proper care and usage of lenses, maybe ask for a trial pack of something
  5. Now that you've got the prescription, you're also free to get your lenses from wherever else too

Good things to know

MeidokonWiki: furinkan/cosplay/contact_lenses (last edited 2010-07-14 04:35:39 by furinkan)