{{attachment:shimkaze.png|Shimakaze|align="right",width="400px"}} Shimakaze is cute and DFC and risque, but interesting covers all the most problematic spots. So why not! <> = References = * Drying off on deck (uniform is not accurate) [[attachment:shimakaze01.jpg]] * The GSC figure is a great reference: http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4240/Shimakaze.html * http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Shimakaze/Gallery * Shallow diving: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1379851_667758146576027_174172304_n.jpg * Under way on the surface: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=39164376&mode=medium * How many did it at Comiket: https://twitter.com/xxxprius/status/386761022159085568/photo/1 * https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BV4NGa1CUAAEbuT.jpg:large * Underwater: https://twitter.com/saku93/status/379862338498617344 * Dem Rensouhou-chans: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1552398?tags=rensouhou-chan = Components = * Sailor shirt * Neck scarf (black) * Skimpy strappy underwear * Very short skirt * Striped thighhighs * Elbow gloves * Wig * Anchor hair accessory * Bunny ears * Rudder boots * Artillery mount for the back (kinda optional, it's not very noticeable and most would eschew it for convenience and appearance) == Sailor shirt == I can modify a regular seifuku pattern for this, albeit slightly shorter than normal. It nominally comes down to the top of the navel, but I reckon it should come down a little lower because it'll naturally rise up if my arms (and thus shoulders) are raised a bit. * Short * Sleeveless * Traditional sailor collar (extends over the arm opening hem) * Collar is square at the back * Collar rounds a little over the collarbones, then meets at a point in the middle of the chest * Gold stripe trim just inside the border of the collar Sleeveless is a massive boon, that makes it much easier to sew. The front has a sorta double-breasted(?) front panel rather than opening in the middle. That might make it ideal to hide a zipper. Roughly: Front left side, front right side, front, back (in two parts? one piece is likely to be easy enough). Six big brass/gold buttons on the front, two rows of three. Inverted V-shaped notch on the side seams. == Strappy underwear == This will be completely faked up, seeing as underwear like that is unlikely to be useful for my purposes anyway. Invisible double-sided fashion tape can hold the straps in place over my pelvis bones. == Very short skirt == Should be easy to make, straight pleated skirt with waistband. Sits very low, will just cover buttocks depending on modesty requirements. Will definitely be a bad idea to bend over. * 4cm waistband * 18cm of skirt length * One big gold/brass button on the left side, front of skirt laps over left side == Elbow gloves == * Comes high up the upper arm, roughly over the peak of the biceps * White, skin tight * Blue 6cm turnover "cuff" at the top * Gold strip on the blue cuff, slightly higher up than the middle of the cuff == Wig == * A very bleached blonde-ish sort of colour * Long, comes down to about butt-length * Got that M-shaped tuft in the middle of the forehead * Some bangs coming down to the high-cheek area * Long front strands, one on each side, left strand has the hair ornament == Anchor hair ornament == A little anchor and short length of chain, hangs off the left front strand of hair. Easiest to buy, probably. == Bunny ears == * Attached to black alice-band * Tall and thin * Left side is straight, right side is bent over * Knot in the middle == Rudder boots == These could be hard to make or adapt, might be worth buying. * Silver-grey in colour * Mid-calf height * Big donut-like padding at the top * The sole and heel is red * The heel is actually a rudder, very difficult to make, best to cheat somehow = Ideas = * Shimakaze in a kiddie pool would be cute and funny = Online shopping links = * Red and white striped socks: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Thigh-High-Thick-Socks-Striped/370952621952 * Not needed, got some as Cospa * "島風 cos" on taobao * Boots: * http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36682921469 * http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36823110087 * Rensouhou-chan plushie: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36055154783 * Anchor hair ornament: * Looks like not-nice texture: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35808145480 * Nicer texture? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36492451558 * Wig and ears: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36948348435 * One of the cosplay options: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36519245217