Get $1,275.96 from Kat for flights
- $800.00 received, 475.96 remaining
- Remaining 475.96 received
Get $281.50 from Kat for Airbnb accommodation
Sell lens to kuroneko
- 124,950 for whole transaction
- His lens was 101,850 of that
- His proportion is 0.81512605042017 of whatever hits my credit card (1104.85 AUD)
Antonius - magazine
Millie - stickers and socks: 20.00 AUD
Emily - Gekota and socks: 20.00 AUD
Anh - tie and socks: 15.00 AUD
Sairla - socks: 5.00 AUD
Rose - socks: 10.00 AUD
- Kat's X-A1 and 35/1.4
- 54,600yen for the Fuji stuff
- 612.94 AUD
MeidokonWiki: furinkan/Japan2014/MakeGood (last edited 2014-04-07 12:52:05 by furinkan)