This is calculated after-the-fact. The final effective exchange rate that I got is based on initial starting cash, and then on subsequent transactions made against my bank account and credit card. All dollars are Australian. * KVB Kunlun, before the trip * $1995.05 -> 170,000 yen * 85.211 JPY/AUD * ATM withdrawal on 2012-03-07 * $490.22 -> 40,000 yen (AUD value includes a $19.13 bank fee for the withdrawal) * 81.596 JPY/AUD * ATM withdrawal on 2012-03-10 * $481.80 -> 40,000 yen (AUD value includes a $18.89 bank fee for the withdrawal) * 83.022 JPY/AUD * ATM withdrawal on 2012-03-11 * $243.40 -> 20,000 yen (AUD value includes a $11.94 bank fee for the withdrawal) * 82.169 JPY/AUD * JR East shinkansen ticket on 2012-03-09 * $61.70 -> 5,240 yen ticket value (AUD value does not include bank fees, not yet confirmed) * 84.927 JPY/AUD * As an estimate, $64.00 would make it 81.875 AUD/JPY Now calculate the weighted average. I'll just be lazy and do `Sum(all JPY values) / Sum(all AUD values)` {{{ 170,000 + 40,000 + 40,000 + 20,000 270,000 ------------------------------------------ == -------------- == 82.514 1995.05 + 490.22 + 481.80 + 243.40 + 61.70 3,272.17 For reference, increasing the denominator by a few AUD, to 3275, reduces the exchange rate to 82.443 }}}